EST Course – Video Script – Present your evidence
Alright, let’s dive into step number 2: presenting your evidence. This is your credibility booster, the ‘proof in the pudding,’ so to speak.
Now remember, your claim is a two-part structure, a mix of value and advantage. So, aim to offer evidence that reinforces both aspects.
Next, presenting persuasive evidence for any aspect of your claim is about striking a balance between broad strokes and specific details. For instance, a statement like “we’ve consistently received positive media coverage” paints a broad picture. But to increase your persuasiveness, add some specificity, some specific detail like “for example, the New York Times hailed us as ‘XYZ’.”
Understanding what it means to be ‘specific’ is crucial. Here are some examples: a precise number is specific. Mentioning an individual by their name is specific. Quoting someone word-for-word is specific. Pinpointing when something occurred is specific. Highlighting a unique instance is specific.
Many people only offer ‘general’ information when presenting evidence, and as a result they are unpersuasive. They are like somebody holding up a bucket that has a label on it, for example, “lots of fish.” It’s unconvincing because your listeners will wonder if the bucket is empty. To be persuasive, you need to reach inside that bucket and pull out a fish. That’s what it means to be ‘specific.’ Showcasing a labeled bucket, then reaching inside and showing a fish that’s wiggling, glistening and alive. That’s the secret of being persuasive.
So, to sum it up, strive to present evidence that substantiates the value and advantage promised in your claim. And don’t forget to sprinkle in those compelling specifics.
Enter the evidence portion of your pitch in the text field, and then click next. As always, if you need to take a break, remember you can click “Save and Continue” later.