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Sample invitation email

Training is initiated with a simple email to a group of invited participants. You can see an example below. All subsequent logistics are shouldered by us, including regular progress reports and an online dashboard that shows who has scheduled and who has completed training sessions.

Subject: SAMPLE Foundation training invitation (non-transferable)

Dear grantee,

We are pleased to offer you a training opportunity, Elevator Speech Training by Video call, to help you optimize your communication about the importance and urgency of your work.

Many staff and grantees of SAMPLE Foundation have already experienced the training and found it extremely useful (see

Your coach will be Marc Fest, founder of Elevator Speech Training and a former vp/communications for the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

The entire training is done by video call and takes up no more than one hour of your time. The training is one-on-one and confidential. It will be tailored to your organization and mission.

Contingent on availability, your organization may use up to four slots for individual one-on-one training sessions (please note these are not group training sessions). You may choose to have two people use two sessions each, or four people use one session each, etc. We recommend two training sessions per person to maximize the learning impact.

Due to high demand, there currently is an appointment wait time of X weeks / months. If you have an urgent situation, Elevator Speech Training will try to accommodate you sooner. Given the demand and the fact that we are offering the training on a first-come, first-served basis, we recommend you lock in your sessions as soon as you can.

To sign up and pick a date and time for your session, please visit and on the checkout page enter “CODEHERE” as the coupon code to reduce the price for the one-hour training session from $400 to zero (please do not share this code with others).

If you book two sessions, we recommend to space them approx. two weeks apart and to book the second session right when you book the first (if you wait with booking your second session until completing your first session, you might have to wait months again (which is not optimal) or there may be no sessions left. Please repeat the sign up steps above for booking each session.

If you have any questions, you can contact Marc directly at

Sincerely, NAME

PS: You can learn more about the training provider at