Use the Power of the Pause This chapter is about the second most popular takeaway from Elevator Speech Training. Like the previous chapter on Hearing Analysis, it is not about speaking. It is about the opposite. It is about not speaking. It is about “the power of the pause.” Pausing…
elevspeechJuly 9, 2022
Signpost phrases Signpost phrases are short phrases that announce what you're about to say: - "Let me talk about XYZ." - "Here is why it matters." - "What we do falls into these three buckets." - "Let me tell you what's unique about our approach." - "Here is a story…
elevspeechJuly 9, 2022
How to Say What You Do “So, what do you do?” It is a question we often get. It is a foundational moment that plays out at the beginning of getting to know one another. How you answer provides information about your professional life and who you are as a…
elevspeechJuly 9, 2022
How to Make a Point Your listeners can only remember a few points you make. How you make your points is essential. You might think that making a point is easy. It is. But many people still get it wrong–here is how: They walk into a speaking situation without having…
elevspeechJuly 9, 2022
Befriend Your Fear My clients often feel anxiety in speaking situations. It is a concern that is second only to feeling overwhelmed by everything they think they need to say. Rather than giving my clients a recipe for completely removing their anxiety, I advise them to “make friends” with it.…
elevspeechJuly 9, 2022
Hear Yourself In their post-training surveys, my clients consistently rank “hearing myself” as an aha moment. We are talking about the benefit of hearing yourself speak. When clients realize that they will have to hear their recorded selves in their coaching session, a common response is, "I hate having to…
elevspeechJuly 9, 2022
Wir bieten Elevator Speech Training auch auf Deutsch an. Bitte kontakieren Sie uns, falls Sie weitere Fragen haben.
elevspeechMarch 31, 2021