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This page is a tool to help you visually check any text for its readability. You can use it to make sure the script for your elevator pitch is easy enough to understand. The easier to understand, the more effective it will be. Replace this text with yours. You can make your edits right in this space. Green means it's clear. Red means the text is not easy to read because it contains conspicuously and excessively multitudinous and longitudinous words, such as this convoluted sentence. What is easy to understand and read? A short sentence with short words. If you see something red here and want to turn it green, shorten the sentence and shorten the words. It’s that simple. Below you can select the target age you want to write for. Studies have shown that the average American reads at the level of a 9th grader. Therefore, a good target age for most texts is 14 or 15, even if most of your listeners or readers will be older. Most successful novels are written for a 7th-grade reading level (i.e., 13 years). Use the drop-down menu below to display the Gettysburg Address, Obama's farewell speech or Trump's presidential bid announcement to see these texts' readability. You might be surprised. Enjoy playing with and using this page. Please feel free to share it with others. — Readability Tool: Overview

You can edit the text above, or pick a template: .

You can choose which target age you want to reach (now at ), and text will be highlighted in green if the text matches that.

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